Sunday, June 23, 2013

Kampus Jakarta Selatan

Universitas Budi Luhur merupakan Perguruan tinggi di Jakarta yang mempunyai sebuah filosofi yakni : "Cerdas dan berbudi luhur merupakan dua hal yang terpadu yang tidak terpisahkan, karena kecerdasan tanpa dilandasi budi yang luhur akan cenderung digunakan untuk membodohi dan mencelakakan orang lain, sebaliknya budi luhur tanpa diimbangi kecerdasan akan merupakan sasaran kejahatan dan penindasan dari orang lain" . Filosofi tersebut di kemukakan oleh  Drs. Djaetun H.S yaitu pendiri Yayasan Pendidikan Budi Luhur.
Universitas Jakarta Selatan ini memiliki berbagai macam Jenjang Program Studi, yaitu :

1. Diploma 3 : a. Akademi Sekretari, dan
                        b. D3 unggulan FTI

2. Program Khusus : a. Executive Class
                                   b. International Class
                                   c. Jakarta Boarding School
                                  d. Budi Luhur Learning Center
3. Strata1 : 1. Fakultas Ekonomi =>   a. Program Studi Akuntansi,
                                                         b. Program Studi Manajemen 
                  2. Fakultas Teknologi Informasi => a. Program Studi Teknik Informatika,  
                                                                        b. Program Studi Sistem Informasi,
                                                                        c. Program Studi Sistem Komputer
                   3. Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi => a. Broadcast Journalism 
                                                                     b. Public Relations 
                                                                     c. Visual Communication Design (DKV) 
                                                                     d. Creative Advertising

                   4. Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik =>   a. Ilmu Hubungan Internasioal

                   5. Fakultas Teknik => a. Program Studi Teknik Elektro 
                                                      b. Program Studi Teknik Arsitektur

4. Strata2 : a. Magister Akuntansi
                   b. Magister Ilmu Komputer
                   c. Magister Manajemen

  Kampus Terbaik ini pun mempunyai misi , yaitu :

  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan berbasis kompetensi untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang unggul dan mampu bersaing di Indonesia.
  2. Memfasilitasi dan memotivasi sivitas akademika untuk dapat memiliki hak atas kekayaan intelektual sebagai aktualitas pencapaian mutu penelitian.
  3. Melakukan kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat luas sebagai bentuk nyata kepedulian universitas.
  4. Menyelenggarakan kerjasama dengan institusi pemerintah maupun swasta dengan prinsip kesetaraan.
  5. Menyelenggarakan perguruan tinggi dengan akuntabilitas, kemandirian dan tata kelola berbasis sistem mutu.
  6. Mewujudkan manajemen akademik yang mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan kualitas hidup seluruh sivitas akademika.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Kampus Teknologi Informasi

Di jaman yang semakin maju ini, banyak Perguruan tinggi di Jakarta yang menyediakan berbagai macam fakultas, khususnya untuk fakultas teknologi informasi atau FTI . Dari sekian banyak kampus teknologi informasi , Kampus Budi Luhur merupakan Universitas terbaik di Jakarta, terutama dalam bidang IT nya.
Universitas yang berlokasi di Jl. Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Utara, Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta- Indonesia, mempunyai banyak Fakultas, seperti Fakultas Teknologi Informasi. FTI di Universitas Budi Luhur ini memiliki 3 Program Studi, yakni : 1. Sistem Informasi, 2. Sistem Komputer, dan 3. Teknik Informatika.

 Selain itu,  Visi dan Misi serta Tujuan di Fakultas Teknologi Informasi, yaitu :

Pada tahun 2020, Menjadi Fakultas Teknologi Informasi unggul dengan standar mutu tertinggi dalam bidang sistem informasi, teknik informatika dan sistem komputer yang dilandasi kecerdasan dan keluhuran budi, ditopang teknologi informasi dan komunikasi

  1. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan teknologi informasi berbasis kompetensi untuk menghasilkan lulusan yang unggul, cerdas dan berbudi luhur, serta mampu bersaing di dunia kerja.
  2. Memfasilitasi dan memotivasi sivitas akademika untuk mempublikasikan hasil peneletian dan karya ilmiahnya serta memiliki hak atas kekayaan intelektual sebagai aktualisasi pencapaian mutu penelitian di bidang teknologi informasi.
  3. Menyelenggarakan, memfasilitasi, dan memotivasi implementasi hasil penelitian untuk diimplementasikan dalam kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat.
  4. Menjalin kerjasama dengan institusi pemerintah maupun swasta dengan prinsip kesetaraan dalam mendukung kegiatan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi.
Sejalan dengan tujuan penyelenggaraan pendidikan tinggi di Universitas Budi Luhur, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi menetapkan tujuan sebagai berikut :
  1. Menghasilkan lulusan yang cerdas dan berbudi luhur untuk menjadi anggota masyarakat yang mampu menerapkan (profesional) dan mengembangkan khasanah ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi (kemampuan akademik) .
  2. Menghasilkan penelitian dan karya ilmiah yang dipublikasikan di jurnal nasional terakreditasi maupun journal internasional yang bereputasi
  3. Menghasilkan lulusan yang mampu menyebarluaskan dan mengupayakan penggunaan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi untuk meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat.
  4. Menghasilkan kegiatan kerjasama dengan institusi pemerintah maupun swasta dengan prinsip kesetaraan dalam mendukung kegiatan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Devil May Cry

Devil May Cry is a series of five hack and slash video games with a modern dark fantasy and gothic setting. The series was developed by Capcom and created by Hideki Kamiya. Originally intended to be a sequel in Capcom's Resident Evil series, Devil May Cry was such a radical departure from the series' style that it was developed into a new property entirely. The series centers on the main character Dante's goal of avenging his mother's murder by exterminating demons. The gameplay consists of heavy combat scenes in which the player must attempt to extend long chains of attacks while avoiding damage in order to exhibit stylized combat; this element along with time and the amount of items collected and used are taken under consideration when grading the player's performance.
The series has been a success with the first three games selling multiple million copies and being awarded the "Platinum Title" award by Capcom. The success of the video game series has led to the creation of comic books, novelizations, an anime series, guides, collectibles, publications, and a variety of action figures. A high-definition remaster of the three PlayStation 2 titles was released for PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 in 2012. The collection features trophies/achievements and high definition graphics.
During the 2010 edition of the Tokyo Game Show, Capcom revealed a new game, named DmC: Devil May Cry. The new game is developed by Ninja Theory and is a reboot of the series.

Dance Dance Revolution (DDR)

Well, if you go to Playground on the mall, you must have this game, Dance Dance Revolution, abbreviated DDR, and previously known as Dancing Stage in Europe and Australasia, is a music video game series produced by Konami. Introduced in Japan in 1998 as part of the Bemani series, and released in North America and Europe in 1999, Dance Dance Revolution is the pioneering series of the rhythm and dance genre in video games. Players stand on a "dance platform" or stage and hit colored arrows laid out in a cross with their feet to musical and visual cues. Players are judged by how well they time their dance to the patterns presented to them and are allowed to choose more music to play to if they receive a passing score.
Dance Dance Revolution has been given much critical acclaim for its originality and stamina in the video game market. There have been dozens of arcade-based releases across several countries and hundreds of home video game console releases, promoting a music library of original songs produced by Konami's in-house artists and an eclectic set of licensed music from many different genres. The DDR series was followed by games such as Pump It Up by Andamiro and In the Groove by Roxor. DDR celebrated its 10th anniversary on November 21, 2008. The core gameplay involves the player stepping his or her feet to correspond with the arrows that appears on screen and the beat. During normal gameplay, arrows scroll upwards from the bottom of the screen and pass over a set of stationary arrows near the top (referred to as the "guide arrows" or "receptors", officially known as the Step Zone). When the scrolling arrows overlap the stationary ones, the player must step on the corresponding arrows on the dance platform, and the player is given a judgment for their accuracy of every streaked notes (From highest to lowest: Marvelous,Perfect, Great, Good, Almost,Miss).

Dynasty Warriors

Dynasty Warriors is a series of tactical action video games created by Omega Force and Koei. The award-winning series is a spin-off of Koei's turn-based strategy Romance of the Three Kingdoms series, based loosely around the Chinese classical novel of the same name.
The first game titled Dynasty Warriors, Sangokumusō in Japan, is a fighting game and different from the rest of the series. All English titles are a number ahead of their Japanese counterparts due to the English localization of naming Shin Sangokumusō, a spin-off of the previously mentioned Sangokumusō game, as Dynasty Warriors 2.
It is Koei's most successful franchise. Including its many spin-offs, 18 million copies of the Dynasty Warriors series have sold worldwide by 2011..
The first Dynasty Warriors is a traditional one-on-one fighting game, released in 1997 for the PlayStation. Its gameplay style is reminiscent of Virtua Fighter and Tekken with the addition of weapons and some exotic moves.
The next game was released in Japan as Shin Sangokumusou. This game was released in other countries as Dynasty Warriors 2, leading to the discrepancy in title numbers. From this game onwards, the player chooses a playable character and plays a number of levels representing particular battles in the Three Kingdoms period, eventually defeating all other rival kingdoms and uniting China under a common ruler. In this game mode, known as "Musou Mode", the generals are usually chosen from one of the three kingdoms (Wu, Shu or Wei; however, from Dynasty Warriors 3: Xtreme Legends onwards, independent generals were given full stories as well). Dynasty Warriors 3 has two secret characters, Nü Wa and Fu Xi, that are not playable in Musou Mode.
Dynasty Warriors 3, Dynasty Warriors 5 and Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce have individual Musou Modes for each character. In Dynasty Warriors 2, Dynasty Warriors 4, and Dynasty Warriors 7, each of the Three Kingdoms have its Musou Mode, in which all characters from a particular kingdom will play the same mode. The stages are presented in a third-person view, with the camera set behind the player as they engage the enemy forces. Each scenario can have different win/lose conditions, but the common losing conditions (defeat of the commander-in-chief, health bar reaching zero and maximum time limit reached) still hold. As for the other characters not from either of the Three Kingdoms, their Musou story modes are purely fictional since in Romance of the Three Kingdoms, most or all of them were eliminated until only the Three Kingdoms were left.

Dead Space

I think this game makes me surprised. Dead Space is a survival horror third-person shooter video game, developed by EA Redwood Shores (now Visceral Games) for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. The game was released on all platforms through October 2008. The game puts the player in control of an engineer named Isaac Clarke, who battles the Necromorphs, reanimated human corpses, aboard an interstellar mining ship, the USG Ishimura.The game was met with positive critical reception, and has sold over 2 million copies. Dead Space 2 and Dead Space 3 were released on January 25, 2011and February 5, 2013, respectively.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Gran Turismo

Gran Turismo , Italian for "Grand Tourer" or "Grand Touring", abbreviated GT) is a popular and critically acclaimed series of racing simulation video games developed by Polyphony Digital.
Developed exclusively for PlayStation systems, Gran Turismo games are intended to simulate the appearance and performance of a large selection of vehicles, nearly all of which are licensed reproductions of real-world automobiles. Since the Franchise's debut in December 1997 until December 2012, a total of 68 million units have been sold worldwide for the PlayStation, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Portable.

Gran Turismo can trace back its origins to 1992, when Kazunori Yamauchi set out with a group of seven to develop the original Gran Turismo, which took five years to complete.

Hetalia: Axis Powers - Liechtenstein